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The wisdom and idea of truth

In the quest for a meaningful and fulfilling life, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, grappling with questions that seem to defy easy answers. It’s in those moments of introspection, when the weight of existence bears down on us,…

What is Forgiveness? A Journey of Growth and Healing

Introduction Forgiveness is a complex and deeply personal process that involves consciously and deliberately releasing feelings of resentment or vengeance towards someone who has harmed us. Psychologists define forgiveness as a transformative journey that allows individuals to let go of…

The Mimetic Theory Introduction

What Exactly Is It? René Girard, a French anthropologist of the twentieth century, invented the concept of mimetic theory after realising that human desire is not private but public. This has been a root cause of war and bloodshed for…

We are concerned about problems that do not exist.

We frequently face instances in which two persons have radically different interpretations of the same occurrence. What one person finds delightful may be annoying to another. This significant difference in perception emphasises the subjective character of reality as well as…

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