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Rediscovering Leisure in the Modern World

Is capitalism’s constant demand for productivity eroding our capacity for true leisure? It’s clear that we live in a time when leisure is defined as a few hours of Netflix binge-watching or mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds. But, are these brief moments of distraction satisfying our innate need for solitude, sociality, and freedom, or are they merely superficial substitutes?

The wisdom and idea of truth

In the quest for a meaningful and fulfilling life, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, grappling with questions that seem to defy easy answers. It’s in those moments of introspection, when the weight of existence bears down on us,…

Exploring Jainism: A Casual Overview

Jainism, a captivating religious tradition hailing from the Indian subcontinent, has an intriguing philosophy that’s worth delving into. Let’s take a casual stroll through its core principles: 1. Origins of Jainism Jainism is a fascinating religious tradition that hails from…

Advice on Building Lasting Relationships

Getting Started In the complicated web of relationships, it can feel like you’re in uncharted waters when you’re looking for advice that speaks to you on a personal level. Even though there is no one way to make a relationship…

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