Sengzhao (Seng-Chao): Illuminating the Path of Wisdom

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Sengzhao (Seng-Chao), a wise Buddhist priest who illuminated the path of wisdom during China’s “Period of Disunity” between the Han and Tang dynasties, is a prominent figure in the tapestry of philosophical thought. The Zhaolun (Treatises of [Seng] Zhao), which remains a cornerstone in the study of early Mdhyamika (“middle-ist”) or Sanlun (“three-treatises”) Buddhism in China, encapsulates his enduring legacy.

Life: A Journey of Insightful Discovery

Sengzhao’s life narrative is a testament to the transformative force of knowledge. Born into a modest family in Jingzhao, he embarked on an extraordinary voyage, motivated by an insatiable desire for knowledge. Early in his career, he worked as a copyist and honed his literary skills by studying classics and history, but his heart longed for more profound truths.

His search for enlightenment led him to the timeless wisdom of Laozi and Zhuangzi, whose teachings struck a profound chord in his psyche. Nonetheless, it was his chance encounter with the Vimalakrtinirdesha Stra that ignited his spiritual voyage. Sengzhao discovered in this scripture a profound revelation, a guiding light that compelled him to investigate the intricacies of Buddhist philosophy.

As Sengzhao’s reputation as a young cleric of exceptional intelligence grew, so did the difficulties he faced. Scholars from all over the world attempted to test Sengzhao’s knowledge in debates, but his superior intelligence and eloquence left his opponents in astonishment. His quest for knowledge eventually lead him to Kumrajva, a renowned Buddhist missionary from Central Asia, under whose tutelage he flourished.

Sengzhao’s commitment to his teacher’s legacy was unwavering, and he was instrumental in the investigation and editing of Buddhist treatises. Sengzhao deepened his comprehension of Buddhist philosophy through numerous hours of study and collaboration with Kumrajva, paving the way for his own remarkable contributions.

Works: Illuminating the Mādhyamika Tradition

Sengzhao’s literary legacy appears vividly through his seminal work, the Zhaolun. This extensive text represents the early Chinese Mdhyamika tradition and is comprised of a preface, introduction, four treatises, and a correspondence with Liu Yimin, a secular monk from the Lushan monastery. The Zhaolun is evidence of Sengzhao’s skill in bridging the divide between Indian Buddhist thought and the Chinese language.

Sengzhao examines profound topics in this enlightening collection, including the nature of existence, emptiness, and the intricate web of conceptualization that entangles the human mind. His treatises, such as “Prajn Is Without Dichotomizing Knowledge” and “Nirvna Is Without Conceptualization,” adhere to the dialectical manner of Ngrjuna’s Mulamadhyamakakrik, offering readers profound insights into the essence of Mdhyamika philosophy.

His mastery of paradox, redolent of the Daoist classic Zhuangzi, distinguishes him as a philosopher of unmatched profundity. His skillful use of language and ability to dismantle conventional constructs invites readers to query their own assumptions about reality, paving the way for a more profound understanding of emptiness and the path to liberation.

Context: Embracing the Wisdom of Nothingness

To comprehend Sengzhao’s philosophy, it is necessary to first comprehend the fundamental concepts of Indian Mdhyamika. This philosophical tradition, which has its roots in Mahyna Buddhism, challenges our reliance on conventional means of world perception. It illuminates the inherent tendency of the human mind to conceptualise, which leads to the formation of illusory dichotomies and a distorted perception of reality.

The teachings of Sengzhao reflect the fundamental principles of Indian Mdhyamika, emphasising the interplay between concepts, ideas, and actual objects. His writings disclose that the naming and conceptualization of phenomena influence our perception of reality. This process, while necessary for practical purposes, can lead to the fallacy of comprehending reality, a fundamental obstacle on the path to enlightenment.

Sengzhao’s comprehension of “emptiness” (shnyat), a profound concept that challenges our perceptions of both subject and object, is the secret to his wisdom. He teaches that neither existence nor nonexistence exist independently, and that our dualistic conceptions of existence and nonexistence are merely illusions. Embracing the wisdom of emptiness enables us to transcend the limitations of conceptualization and attain equanimity, thereby bringing us closer to our ultimate objective of liberation.

The Treatises: The Path to Enlightenment

The treatises of Sengzhao are a portal to profound enlightenment. In each of his works, he deftly dissects fallacious interpretations and erroneous perspectives, tracing their origins to the proliferation of conceptualization (prapanca). His unrelenting investigation of the interdependence of words, concepts, and phenomena compels readers to reconsider their conception of reality.

Sengzhao dismantles misconceptions about change and impermanence in “Things Do Not Shift,” highlighting the illusionary nature of shifting phenomena. “Non-Absolute Emptiness” explores the essence of emptiness, leading us to perceive the emptiness within emptiness and transcending dualistic thought. The phrases “Prajn Is Without Dichotomizing Knowledge” and “Nirvna Is Without Conceptualization” provide profound insights into the nature of wisdom and liberation.

Sengzhao urges us throughout these treatises to break free from the bonds of conventional thought, to recognise the emptiness within and without, and to embark on a transformative journey towards enlightenment.

In conclusion

Sengzhao’s profound contributions to Buddhist philosophy continue to shed light on the path to wisdom for truth-seekers. His teachings challenge us to transcend the confines of conventional thought, to embrace the wisdom of emptiness, and to embark on a path leading to profound enlightenment. In the vast landscape of philosophical inquiry, Sengzhao’s legacy endures as a beacon of wisdom, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and the path to liberation.

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