We are concerned about problems that do not exist.

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We frequently face instances in which two persons have radically different interpretations of the same occurrence. What one person finds delightful may be annoying to another. This significant difference in perception emphasises the subjective character of reality as well as the potential of interpretation. It begs the question, should we be concerned about problems that do not exist?

Let us go deeper into this intriguing subject and investigate how our personal viewpoints impact our experiences and the difficulties we perceive. We can obtain insights into our own thought patterns and potentially liberate ourselves from unwarranted worry if we understand the subjective nature of reality.

Reality’s Many Faces

To understand the concept of worrying over non-existent problems, it is necessary to acknowledge that reality is not a fixed, objective entity. Reality, on the other hand, is a highly subjective experience that differs from person to person. Each person has a distinct collection of ideas, values, and perceptions that colour their understanding of the world.

Consider the following scenario: two persons attend a party. While one individual may have truly liked the gathering, finding the music, company, and overall environment delightful, another may have had a poor experience, focusing on negative factors such as the quality of the beer, the DJ’s performance, or the behaviour of the guests. This discrepancy in perception reflects reality’s subjective nature.

Issues as Perceived Reality

When we label something as a problem, we must remember that the problem is a construct of our view. It is not a natural feature of the circumstance or event. Problems, like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder. We have a tendency to believe that our interpretation of a situation is the absolute truth, but this is only our subjective reality.

For example, if someone believes that a party is intrinsically bad, they do not regard it as their personal opinion; rather, they regard it as an incontrovertible truth. As a result, people credit their suffering on the party, but in reality, their suffering is the result of their own attitude towards it. Problems cannot exist unless a perceiver identifies and understands them as such.

A Wide Range of Realities

It is worthwhile to understand that human reality is not the only reality that exists in order to obtain a larger perspective. Animals, and possibly plants as well, have their own distinct senses of reality. Dogs, for example, primarily perceive the world through their sense of smell. They do not understand ideas such as capitalism, religion, or money concerns, which can cause human suffering. Similarly, other creatures’ reality differ from ours.

The fact that various species see the world in different ways calls into question the concept of a universal truth or problem. A Taoist story describes how certain human conceptions of beauty may be unattractive to species such as fish, birds, and deer. This suggests that our value judgements, even if unanimously agreed upon, are not universally true. Beauty, like issues, is formed by the perceiver and varies from person to person or species to person.

The Two Facts

The concept of “two truths” in Buddhism distinguishes between relative truth (conventional truth) and ultimate truth. Our subjective reality, affected by our perceptions and interpretations, is referred to as relative truth. Absolute truth, on the other hand, represents reality as it exists outside of our limited human perception.

While the absolute truth may be difficult to comprehend, we can recognise that our perceptions and interpretations produce the relative truth. Because our senses limit our vision of the world, our perception of reality is subjective. As a result, problems, as part of relative truth, are likewise subjective. They are perceptions of reality, not actual reality. If difficulties existed in ultimate reality, everyone would come across them.

The Never-Ending Problem-Solving Cycle

Humans have an amazing ability to invent problems where none exist. We are frequently trapped in a constant cycle of problem-solving, fretting about things that are either inconsequential or utterly beyond our control. This propensity originates from our urge to understand the universe and keep control over our lives.

In its never-ending need for assurance and security, the mind creates scenarios and hypothetical events that may never come to pass. We conceive worst-case scenarios, anticipate negative consequences, and devote our energy and focus to worrying about problems that do not exist. In doing so, we unintentionally exaggerate their importance and impact on our lives.

Furthermore, societal influences and cultural training have a substantial impact on how we see situations. We are inundated with messages that highlight possible hazards, generate fear, and promote the notion that we must continually anticipate and address problems. This frequent exposure to problem-centric thinking strengthens our tendency to worry about things that may never happen.

To break away from this cycle of pointless concern, a shift of viewpoint is required. It entails practising mindfulness and being conscious of our thoughts and feelings. We can begin to distinguish between actual and imagined difficulties by studying our mental habits. We can call into doubt the authenticity and relevance of our concerns, questioning their actuality.

Developing discernment also necessitates a focus on the current moment. Worries can develop from ruminating on the past or projecting ourselves into an uncertain future. We can redirect our attention to what is happening right now by grounding ourselves in the present, rather than becoming caught up in the illusions manufactured by our imaginations.

Furthermore, practising appreciation can assist to combat the tendency to worry about problems that do not exist. We shift our perspective from lack to abundance when we create a sense of appreciation for the current moment and the riches in our life. This adjustment in perspective reminds us that many of the issues we are concerned about are insignificant in comparison to the goodness and beauty that surrounds us.


Finally, the subjective nature of reality, as well as the power of interpretation, play an important influence in our perception of difficulties. We frequently worry about problems that do not exist, since our ideas and emotions impact our perception of reality. We can break free from the grasp of unneeded concern by practising mindfulness, discernment, and gratitude. Let us attempt to live in the present moment and embrace life’s richness, letting go of worries that prevent us from experiencing true joy and fulfilment.

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