Training yourself to stay focused on a task.

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It’s not uncommon for modern people to have trouble focusing because they’re constantly multitasking, whether it’s on their computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Attempting to juggle multiple tasks at once.

It’s challenging to break the mental pattern of switching, of allowing one’s thoughts to wander from one subject to another.

So, how do you hone your concentration skills? Yes, focused effort is preferable, but I wouldn’t hold your attention for the full time allotted. Better than the existing state is more than enough to notice significant efficiency gains; we’re not talking about 80% or even 50%.

To get started, just ask “Why?”

You don’t have any need to be concerned. You should give this some thought before rushing into anything, as you’ll want to know why you’re feeling uneasy if/when it happens. If you give in to even the slightest temptation to shift your attention, you will fail.

This is vital because if you are constantly switching gears and getting sidetracked during the day, you are wasting time and the day will pass you by without you having accomplished much. You want to stop squandering your life and start living more productively.

To get the most out of your day and get things done, like writing, programming, studying, taking care of finances, creating, etc., focus on one activity at a time. If you’re having a hard time keeping your mind on one task at a time and would like to improve your stress and mood, this one skill will do the trick.

Now, let’s get to the “how” part.
The Procedure
It’s elementary, really:

Pick Your Top Priority 

Think on what you need to do first thing in the morning, before checking email or making phone calls. Ultimately, it’s your career that will determine your happiness. If you have more than one item to do, it doesn’t make a difference … just randomly pick one to start with. You can come to them later, don’t waste your time hesitating; the idea is to practice with one activity at a time. Today, you must focus on the single

Most Important Task you’ve set for yourself.

Finding the perfect setting to be creative and productive can be challenging, especially at home. It’s impossible to get any work done if you’re at your home office performing household duties, when there are regular interruptions and other sources of noise. However, working in complete silence can be just as distracting.

We lack the ability to concentrate at birth. It’s a learned competency that necessitates investment at the outset and ongoing maintenance.

Concentrate for the next 15 minutes. As soon as you begin your day’s work at MIT, you should close any unnecessary tabs in your browser and close any unnecessary applications. Put 15 minutes on the clock.

You can only go one of two ways. You must stay on task (no checking emails, texts, social media, other tasks, cleaning your desk, etc.) for the full 15 minutes. The only things you can do are: a) focus on your Most Important Task, Alternatively (b), you could just relax. These are the only choices you have, so keep an eye on your cravings but resist the urge to give in to them.

Share this information with your responsible partner immediately. Find someone to work with who will keep you honest. Make a tally sheet or utilize a tracking program that they may consult.

And that concludes it! For at least two weeks, do one session per day; if that goes well, add a second session each day, separated by a 10-minute break. If you’re having trouble, try doing just one session every day for a month before trying to add another.

Six weeks to two months is the time frame in which you will be able to focus for two 15-minute sessions; if that becomes feasible, you can add a fourth session; after that, you can take a break and add a second session in the afternoon.

Advice You Should Remember

There are a few fundamental concepts to keep in mind when using this straightforward technique:

Stop using the internet and turn it off. Turn off your WiFi or router, your phone, your browser, and any unused programs. The best approach is this one. If you need to use the Internet for your MIT, close all except the absolute minimum number of tabs (one or two) that you’ll require.
If you’ve disconnected from the web, keep a pen and paper handy. You can use this for anything you wish to memorize, whether it’s a thought you had or a specific duty. jot them down, remind yourself that you can get to them later, and don’t let yourself become distracted.

Due to the prevalence of Wi-Fi, working from a neighborhood cafe has become increasingly prevalent. When it comes to getting work done, some people find that the relaxed setting of a cafe is ideal. Hipstersound, available at, is a web program that simulates the ambience of your favorite coffee shop, allowing you to work more efficiently from the comfort of your own home.

Do not let your mind trick you into putting off the session any longer than necessary; it’s easy to tell yourself, “I’ll get to this in a while,” but then you end up putting it off until late morning, then midday, and ultimately 8 o’clock at night — simply to check it off your list. Not the point of the training at all; be aware of justifications but don’t buy into them.
To be clear, you shouldn’t always aim for perfection; there may be times when you just won’t be able to meet your high standards, such as when you’re out of town or hosting guests. If something came up and you weren’t able to workout today, don’t stress over breaking your streak; just get back to it as soon as you can.

You can try a 10-minute session if 15 seems too lengthy, and if that’s still too much, you can always try a 5-minute one.
Don’t push things; add up to the amount of sessions gradually. Put in your best effort to lay a strong groundwork.

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